Viles of blood in laboratory.

Mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can be caused by any trauma to the head: falls, car accidents, work hazards, and fights are some common causes of a mild TBI. Mild traumatic brain injuries are more often described as concussions.

Suffering from a concussion can cause a victim to experience side effects such as loss of consciousness, headaches, convulsions, and nausea, among many others. If untreated, a mild TBI can affect the cognitive abilities and mental health of the injured person.

Following an incident that may have caused a mild traumatic brain injury, it is essential to get a concussion test right away, so a doctor can provide the proper treatment. A new test that was recently approved by the FDA, the Banyan Brain Trauma Indicator (BTI), offers new mild TBI detection technology to medical professionals.

The Banyan Brain Trauma Indicator

The Banyan BTI is a blood test. Through the test, doctors can detect mild traumatic brain injuries by analyzing the presence of proteins that elevate in the body following a brain injury. Specifically the Banyan Brain Trauma Indicator detects the presence of ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase-L1 and glial fibrillary acidic protein.

The test should be taken within 12 hours of injury to be most successful. It is meant to be a precursor to tests that use radiation. By evaluating the blood initially, medical professional are hoping to avoid using radiation in cases where it may not be necessary. The Banyan Brain Trauma Indicator is expected to be able to detect mild TBIs faster and more accurately than current testing methods.

Current TBI Testing Methods

Radiological methods, such as MRIs, are one of the main methods of mild traumatic brain injury testing that is employed today. Other imaging tests are also common. A doctor may also conduct a series of cognitive assessments to evaluate brain injury.

The Banyan Brain Trauma Indicator is able to detect mild TBIs faster and more accurately than current testing methods.

If you or a loved one suffered an injury caused by someone else’s negligence, contact Biren Law Group to discover your options. Schedule a free consultation online or call (310) 774-0078.

Viles of blood in laboratory.